For the first time since the inception of the “Healthcare Heroes Endowment Fund” a little over two years ago, the West River Health Services Foundation offered three Nursing Students $5,000-$10,000 “Academic Loans.” Thus far, two senior nursing students – Brenna Wert from Bismarck State University via nearby New England and Holli Tollefson from NDSU-Bismarck via Hettinger) have verbally agreed to accept the loans and are in the process of reviewing the contracts to sign. Once signed half of the loan will be sent to the student at the beginning of their last college semester (January) and the second half of the loan will be sent upon graduation (May). Then, in June/July, they will apply for a Nursing job at WRHS/WHLC. Therefore, by next summer we should have two new, full-time nurses here. Awesome!
Our third candidate – Abayomi Adebiyi from North Dakota State College of Science via Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada -- is working out his American citizenship and hopefully will graduate in December 2024 and be here to begin his nursing career in January-February, 2025. Once we receive the signed contract, we will send the first half of his loan at the beginning of the fall semester, (August 2024), followed by the second half of the loan upon his graduation (December 2024).
This new Academic Loan Program at WRHS Foundation is being funded by the interest from their “Healthcare Heroes Endowment Fund” and the Foundation’s “General Fund.” Recently on December 11th, 27 months into the campaign, the $500,000 goal for this “Heroes Fund” was eclipsed with a $20,000 gift from the Hettinger Jaycees. Interest from this fund can also be used for signing bonuses for critically needed positions at WRHS/WHLC or for spot bonuses for current “healthcare heroes.” The WRHS Administration and WRHS Foundation Board of Directors work together on this action yearly.
This past September 11, 2023, nearly 150 letters, posters, and applications for this new “Academic Loan Program” were sent to deans and instructors at over 75 colleges and universities in ND, SD, MN, and MT. The job opportunities WRHS/WHLC were pursuing included: Radiologic and Ultrasound Technologists, Nurses (LPN & RN), Physical Therapists, Physical Therapist Assistants, Informational Technologists, CRNA, Surgical Technicians, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners, Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Coders, Paramedic and Registered Dietitian. The Academic Loan Program is available for college upperclassmen (Junior/Senior in 4+ year programs and any 1 or 2-year program) to offset education costs, with forgiveness of the entire loan, in exchange for employment. By November 1st, the applications were received and shortly thereafter, recipients were decided upon by the Administration and the Scholarship Selection Committee. The WRHS Foundation is hoping for more applications as this process evolves.
The West River Health Services Foundation provides fundraising and development services for West River Health Services and Western Horizons Living Centers as they provide comprehensive health and wellness services for the citizens and visitors to our region. The WRHS Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization and is led by a volunteer Board of Directors from service area communities. The overall goal is to keep improving our top-quality healthcare “close to home.” If you have any questions about the WRHS Foundation, please call Ted Uecker at 701-567-3666. He is always more than willing to visit with you about your giving plans. Onward! Ted Uecker, FDO